Results for 2018 Municipal and School Board Elections


​Municipal and School Board Elections Day was October 22, 2018! These elections included voting for local school board trustee.

Trustees play a key leadership role in public education and ensure their local school boards are accountable to parents, guardians and their local communities for student success and well-being.

Unofficial results from school board elections across Ontario are now available online on the centralized School Board Elections website, which has been created for community members to learn more about the role of trustee and trustee elections. The website is available in both official languages at: elections.ontarioschooltrustees.org or elections.conseillersscolairesontario.org.

Have you ever wondered why someone would run for school board trustee? OPSBA has put together a new video, in collaboration with students from the District School Board of Niagara’s Sir Winston Churchill SS, asking trustees the question, “Why do you run for trustee?”

Watch it below! (Click on the headline to view it fullsize on YouTube)