Local Government Week (LGW) aims to increase youth and public awareness about the important role local government plays in our communities. Please join OPSBA, our member trustees and our education partners in raising civic awareness and promoting the role of trustees among Ontario students.
OPSBA has created resources to facilitate in-person and virtual sessions with students in Grade 5 or 10 classrooms, including a short PowerPoint presentation and video. The slide deck allows trustees to modify them to add local board information. We encourage you to be inspired about what you do locally and how it impacts your students and community. Please see the resources below:
- Local Government Week PowerPoint presentation for trustees
- Video (also embedded in the PowerPoint presentation)
- Local Government Week customizable one-pager
- Local Government Week word search puzzle
OPSBA will be promoting LGW centrally using the social media hashtag #LocalGovWeek and asking stakeholders and education partners to use this as well.
Read a reflection from OPSBA President Cathy Abraham
Other useful resources include:
- Making a Difference for Kids: Running for Election as a School Board Trustee
- 2022-2026 Good Governance Guide
- 2022 Ontario Municipal and School Board Elections website
Please also visit the webpages of other stakeholder and partners for municipal elections and LGW information:
- AMO: Local Government Week resources, How Local Government Works | AMO and Healthy Democracy Project | AMO
- AMCTO – Local Government Week resources
- CIVIX Canada and Student Vote Ontario Municipal Elections
- Equal Voice – A multi-partisan organization dedicated to electing and supporting women at all levels of political office
- Ministry of Education: School board leadership and governance | ontario.ca
- Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing: Municipal elections | ontario.ca