OPSBA extends congratulations to new provincial government


Fully funded public education must remain a government priority

The Ontario Public School Boards’ Association (OPSBA) looks forward to working with the newly elected government and premier-designate Doug Ford to ensure a strong, high-quality, publicly funded education system that provides universally accessible opportunities for all students.

“OPSBA represents the largest democratically elected trustee body in Ontario with a specific responsibility for the education and well-being of children and youth,” said OPSBA president Cathy Abraham. “Education is the second-largest funding line item in the provincial budget every year, and we are committed to ensuring our system is properly funded to create the conditions that support student success.”

As a non-partisan association, OPSBA has positive and mutually respectful working relationships with members of provincial parliament and staff from all parties and other education partners in the province. These relationships help us to represent the voice of our public school boards on the diverse range of issues that affect students and communities to our provincial government.

OPSBA’s multi-year strategic priorities are the foundation upon which our advocacy is based, and outlines what public school boards and trustees would like to see in the future for education in Ontario. OPSBA’s priorities are: The Whole Child and Student Well-Being for Today and Tomorrow, Advancing Reconciliation: First Nations, Métis and Inuit Education, Trustees as Leaders in Public Education, Education Funding and Labour Relations.

OPSBA advocates for its priorities and conditions that improve student achievement and well-being. The Association looks forward to mutual, ongoing, meaningful dialogue and consultation with ministers and staff of the newly elected provincial government on decisions that impact the more than 1.2 million public elementary and secondary school students in Ontario that we serve.


The Ontario Public School Boards’ Association represents public district school boards and public school authorities across Ontario, which together serve more than 1.2 million public elementary and secondary students. The Association advocates on behalf of the best interests and needs of the public school system in Ontario. OPSBA is seen as the credible voice of public education in Ontario and is routinely called on by the provincial government for input and advice on legislation and the impact of government policy directions.

For more information, please contact:

May Moore
Director of Communications
Ontario Public School Boards’ Association
(416) 340-2540, ext. 111