Prioritizing mental health and learning recovery is good for Ontario students


February 17, 2022, Toronto – Minister Lecce’s announcement today includes a number of significant investments in mental health and learning recovery – issues which public school boards across the province have identified as top priorities in a difficult time for everyone.

“The COVID-19 pandemic has been a challenging and stressful time for students, staff, and our broader school communities. There has never been a greater need to invest in mental health and wellbeing, and we know that our schools play an essential role in ensuring students have access to the mental health services they need. Our submission to the government’s education funding consultation process recommended a focus on student mental health and re-engagement, and we are pleased to see the government focusing on these important issues,” said OPSBA President Cathy Abraham.

OPSBA also welcomes the additional $304 million in staffing supports to address the pressing needs of learning recovery, the implementation of a fully de-streamed Grade 9, special education, and remote learning.

The funding announced today for the renewal of school-based public health nurses is a step in the right direction, as our schools continue to adapt and focus on supporting student health and infection prevention.

Today’s announcement includes a year-over-year increase of $683.9 million in Grants for Student Needs funding, to a total of $26.1 billion, with per-pupil funding increasing from $12,686 to $13,059.

OPSBA will be reviewing today’s announcement, and the associated memoranda to assess the impacts on school boards and students across Ontario. We look forward to ongoing discussions with the government to ensure that our schools have the necessary resources and supports to continue providing a world-class educational experience for our students.

Additional Links

Government News Release: Ontario Launches Largest Tutoring Support Program
Backgrounder: Ontario’s Learning Recovery Action Plan for Students
Related Memos 

For more information, please contact:

Shane Gonsalves
Managing Director, Government and Public Affairs, Ontario Public School Boards’ Association