2018 Education Labour Relations and Human Resources Symposium

2018 3/19 | Connects Page, Labour Relations, OPSBA Events, Trustee PD

Making a Difference

DON’T MISS OPSBA’s premier Labour Relations and Human Resources professional learning opportunity. Register now.

The 2018 Education Labour Relations and Human Resources Symposium takes place April 26 and 27 at the Sheraton Centre in Toronto. The Symposium is designed to provide professional development in the areas of labour relations and human resources designed specifically for School Board Trustees, Directors of Boards of Education, Supervisory Officers, and Senior Human Resources and Labour Relations practitioners.  Additionally, senior school board decision makers are provided with opportunities to share ideas and strategies, learn about next and best practices, and explore practical solutions to the challenges faced by Ontario school boards.

Register online

April 26 and 27, 2018
Sheraton Centre Hotel
123 Queen Street West
Toronto  M5H 2M9

Hotel Information
OPSBA has secured a preferred rate for delegates at the Sheraton Centre – $229.00 plus taxes (single/double). The deadline is March 23. After this deadline, rooms will be available on a space-available basis only.
Please contact the hotel directly for reservations.
Online Hotel reservations:  OPSBA Labour Relations Symposium
Telephone:  416-361-1000 OR toll free (Central Reservation Office) 1-888-627-7175, and quote the group name – OPSBA Labour Relations Symposium.​