
When OPSBA was created through the amalgamation of three existing public school board associations in 1988, every effort was made to provide a fair and equitable representation through the five Regions, the Board of Directors and various work groups. The strength of our structure lies in the ability and willingness to recognize and support the various interests of our Member Boards of all sizes from all regions of the province.

Roles and responsibilities of members OPSBA committees and work groups can be found in the Roles and Responsibilities Guide.

Board of Directors’ members are responsible for upholding the OPSBA Board of Director Code of Conduct Policy (“the Code”).  The OPSBA Board of Director Code of Conduct Enforcement Procedure is used to address an allegation of a breach of the Code.

More information on the membership of our key elected bodies can be found in the links below:

Board of Directors

Executive Council

Work Groups

Regional Structure

Indigenous Trustees’ Council

Black Trustees’ Caucus