OPSBA Policies, Procedures and Supporting Documents

Policies and procedures govern the operation of OPSBA’s advocacy, actions, and internal operations. They provide belief statements and operating guidelines for members, staff, and guests.

It is the expectation of the Ontario Public School Boards’ Association that all employees, persons invited to or visiting Association property; or partaking/volunteering in Association events and activities will respect the policies and procedures of the Association.

If you require an accessible version of a given document, please contact OPSBA at inquiry@opsba.org or 416-340-2540.


General By-Law

Mission, Vision and Values

Board of Directors Code of Conduct Policy

Board of Directors Code of Conduct Enforcement Procedure

Policy 100, Policy Review, Development and Monitoring Framework

Policy 150, Strategic Planning, Implementation and Monitoring

Policy 210, OPSBA Trustee Expenses

Policy 230, Legal Action Fund

Policy 240, Purchasing and Procurement

Policy 280, Restricted Reserves

Policy 310, Executive Director Performance Appraisal

Strategic Planning Process Flowchart


Procedures and other Resource Documents

Roles and Responsibilities Guide

Candidates’ Election Guide

Constitution and By-Law Submission Guideline

Policy Resolution Submission Guideline



Election Nominations Form

Constitution and By-Law Submission Form

Policy Resolution Submission Form