OPSBA statement on the release of 2024-25 Core Education Funding


OPSBA’s 2023-24 Annual Report is now available!

As outgoing OPSBA President Cathy Abraham writes, “This past year has been our busiest yet – a testament to the tireless dedication of each and every trustee across our member boards. From bustling Toronto to Moose Factory, Morrisburg, Windsor, and Atikokan, it is the commitment of our trustees that has propelled us forward. Your hard work, passion, and unwavering belief in the power of public education have been the driving force behind every milestone we’ve achieved.”

In a season of change, our association has remained steadfast in our commitment to effective advocacy, stability amidst change, and driving constant progress in the pursuit of student success and well-being. We hope you enjoy reading about how we’ve met those goals in the past year.

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“Just like inflationary impacts on families and businesses, all costs in school board budgets continue to rise. As our members have not seen a corresponding increase in funding, there will undoubtedly be an impact on school board operations.

School boards have been waiting for this funding information to continue their planning and make decisions for next year. That said, over the next week, we will be taking a closer look at the 2024-25 education funding documents and connecting with school board staff to determine impacts on our member boards.

On the changes to education funding grants and allocations – we look forward to digging into the details, but anything that makes the system more easily understandable for parents, families and communities is welcomed.”

– Cathy Abraham, President