OPSBA welcomes federal-provincial child care agreement – good news for children and families


OPSBA’s 2023-24 Annual Report is now available!

As outgoing OPSBA President Cathy Abraham writes, “This past year has been our busiest yet – a testament to the tireless dedication of each and every trustee across our member boards. From bustling Toronto to Moose Factory, Morrisburg, Windsor, and Atikokan, it is the commitment of our trustees that has propelled us forward. Your hard work, passion, and unwavering belief in the power of public education have been the driving force behind every milestone we’ve achieved.”

In a season of change, our association has remained steadfast in our commitment to effective advocacy, stability amidst change, and driving constant progress in the pursuit of student success and well-being. We hope you enjoy reading about how we’ve met those goals in the past year.

Toronto, March 28, 2022 – The Ontario Public School Boards’ Association (OPSBA) welcomes today’s announcement of a federal-provincial deal to provide Ontarians with $10-a-day child care, and 86,000 new spaces, by 2026.

OPSBA and its member boards have long advocated for high quality, affordable and accessible child care programs for children and their families. These programs are a necessity for millions of Ontarians and benefit a strong economy.

“We thank the federal and provincial governments for getting this deal done. Now, more than ever, given these unusual and uncertain times, child care is foundational to our economy and a vital service for many families, including those of school board staff,” said Cathy Abraham, OPSBA President. “It is clear that a lack of child care options has disproportionally affected parental participation in the workforce, particularly for women. When fully implemented, today’s funding will provide more parents than ever with the option of entering the workforce.”

Ontario’s public schools maintain thousands of successful partnerships with their local community providers, including licensed child care, whose presence is in more than half of our schools. Public schools are also the site for many before-and-after-school care options. These child care options require a system to be affordable and responsive to parents’ needs by allowing them options that fit their family circumstances. This additional funding from the federal government will allow for greater affordability in coming years.

OPSBA supports provincial and federal government investments in a universal child care program that provides equity of access and opportunity for all children and youth. This type of program not only supports the economy, but provides an important strategy to improve the social determinants of health, school readiness and ultimately success for all children, both in school and in life.

“Our Association, along with schools and school boards, looks forward to playing our part in the implementation of this new program,” President Abraham said.

For more information, please contact:

T.J. Goertz
Senior Communications and Policy Officer